Ultimate Zombie Kit™
Make Your Own Zombie Effects In Minutes
The Ultimate Zombie Kit™ includes everything you need to create multiple zombie makeups directly on the skin fast! Ideal for Halloween, Zombie Walks, theatrical and movie make-up applications and more!
This kit contains all the supplies needed to make simulated trauma scars, open wounds, burns, cuts, infections, and other skin FX. Skin Tite™ silicone can be applied directly to the skin. Cured Skin Tite™ is strong and will bend and flex with natural body movements.

Material Documents
Product Documents - Data Sheet / Health & SafetyThe Ultimate Zombie Kit™ includes:
Skin Tite™ Silicone
Thi-Vex™ Thickening Agent
Silc Pig™ Pigment
Rubber Glass™
Mixing Sticks & Cups
Step-By-Step How-To Guide
Fake Teeth
Makeup Palette


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