Smooth-Cast™ 320
Fast Set Tan Resin
The Smooth-Cast™ 320 Series consists of ultra-low viscosity casting resins that yield virtually bubble-free off-white castings. The Smooth-Cast™ 320 resins are sister products to our popular Smooth-Cast™ 300 Series of bright white plastics, but are easier to colour using SO-Strong™ or Ignite™ colour tints. Smooth-Cast™ 320 series is easy to mix and pour, offering the convenience of a 1A:1B by volume or 100A : 90B by weight mix ratio.

Quick Tech Data
Mix Ratio By Volume
Mix Ratio By Weight
3 minutes
Pot Life
10 minutes
Cure Time
70 D
Shore Hardness
Off White
Material Documents
Product Documents - Data Sheet / Health & SafetyThe Smooth-Cast™ 320 Series resins readily accept pigments and fillers (such as URE-FIL™ 3, 5 and 7 from Smooth-On). Fully cured castings are tough, durable, machinable and paintable. They resist moisture and mild solvents. Applications for Smooth-Cast™ 320 Series resins include reproducing small to medium size sculptures, making prototype models, special effect props, decorative jewelry and taxidermy (bones, antlers, teeth etc.).


Creating Realistic Wood Replications Using Smooth-Cast™ 200 Resin and URE-FIL™ 5

Making a Bear Claw Necklace Replica