Rebound™ Series
Brushable Addition Cure Silicone Rubber
Rebound™ silicone rubbers are easy-to-use addition-cure silicone rubbers which self-thicken for making brush-on moulds of almost any model. Mixed 1A:1B by volume, Rebound™ can be applied with a brush or spatula to vertical surfaces without sagging and will cure with negligible shrinkage to a flexible rubber. Applications include reproducing sculpture, architectural restoration, making candle moulds, etc.

Mold Making Tutorial: Making a Silicone Brush On Mold

How To Make a Silicone Texture Stamp For Coral Aquarium Decorations

Making Decorative GFRC Panels from a Jungle Tree Trunk

How To Make a Mold For a Thundercats Cosplay Prop Shield

How To Make a Silicone Mold for an Architectural Corbel Restoration - Moldmaking Demonstration

How To Make a Mold of a Rhino for a Museum Display

How To Make a Rock Mold For a Concrete Sink